Phineas Finn | a gallant young member of that house, finn, mr p---s f---n, mr. p---s f---n, our hero, p f, p. f., phineas, phineas finn, phinny | brother, catholic, fiancee, irish, liberal, male, politician, radical, son |
 Lady Laura Standish | l k, l. k., lady laura, lady laura kennedy, lady laura standish, laura, laura kennedy | daughter, english, female, fiancee, niece, sister, wife |
 Lord Chiltern | chiltern, half-mad lord, lord c---n, lord chiltern, oswald, oswald standish, red-bearded man, the earl's son, violent lord | aristocrat, brother, english, fiancee, gambler, hunter, male, nephew, son |
Violet Effingham | miss effingham, vi effingham, violet, violet effingham | cousin, daughter, english, female, fiancee, heiress, hunter, niece, sister |
Earl Of Brentford | brentford, earl of brentford, lord brentford, papa | aristocrat, english, father, husband, male, politician |
Mr. Robert Kennedy | kennedy, laird of loughlinter, mr kennedy, mr robert kennedy, mr. kennedy, mr. robert kennedy, new chancellor of the duchy, robert, robert kennedy | chancellor, husband, laird, male, nephew, politician, protestant, scottish, son |
Mr. Monk | a philosophical cabinet minister, joshua monk, monk, mr monk, mr. monk | cabinet minister, english, male, politician, radical |
Barrington Erle | barrington, barrington erle, erle, mr erle, mr. erle | english, liberal, male, politician, private secretary, secretary |
Mr. Mildmay | great whig prime minister, mr mildmay, mr. mildmay, the great whig minister, william mildmay | english, liberal, male, politician, prime minister |
The Hon. Laurence Fitzgibbon | fitzgibbon, laurence, laurence fitzgibbon, mr fitzgibbon, mr. fitzgibbon, that empty-headed countryman, the hon laurence fitzgibbon, the hon. laurence fitzgibbon | aristocrat, brother, debtor, irish, male, politician, son |
Dr. Malachi Finn | a simple country doctor, an irish doctor, dr finn, dr malachi finn, dr. finn,, dr. malachi finn, his governor, malachi finn, old finn, the doctor, the old doctor | catholic, doctor, father, husband, irish, male |
Madame Max Goesler | m m g, m. m. g, madame goesler, madame max, madame max goesler, marie, marie m g, marie m. g., marie max goesler, mrs goesler, mrs. goesler | daughter, female, german, jewish, sister, wife |
Lady Glencora Palliser | lady glencora, lady glencora palliser | aristocrat, english, female, mother, wife |
Lady Baldock | lady baldock, my aunt, the dragon | aristocrat, aunt, english, female, mother, wife |
Plantagenet Palliser | glencora's husband, mr palliser, mr. palliser, plantagenet palliser, planty pall | aristocrat, chancellor of the exchequer, english, father, husband, liberal, male, member of parliament, nephew, politician |
Duke Of Omnium | duke of omnium, his grace, his grand-uncle | aristocrat, duke, english, grand-uncle, granduncle, male, uncle |
Mr. Turnbull | mr turnbull, mr. turnbull, turnbull | english, father, husband, male, politician, radical |
Lord Cantrip | cantrip, lord cantrip | aristocrat, english, husband, male, politician |
Mr. Gresham | gresham, mr gresham, mr. gresham | english, husband, liberal, male, politician |
Mr. Low | an english barrister, low, mr low, mr. low, the learned pundit | barrister, english, husband, lawyer, male, teacher |